Five Must-Know Things About Overseas Dental Treatment
Going to cheaper countries for dental work is often cheaper, but is it safe? These are some things you may want to consider beforehand.

The news has been abuzz about overseas dental and medical treatment recently. The world is growing smaller and flights are getting ever more convenient. Medical and dental tourism is booming. Singaporeans do travel to countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Bali or Cambodia for cheaper dental treatment.
The cost of living in these countries is lower.
Regulation, standards and currency exchange makes dentistry cheaper in these countries.
Is it safe? What factors do you need to consider when you choose a dentist, whether in Singapore or overseas?
You need to consider:
- Education and Training
- Experience and Reputation
- Treatment Timing and Equipment Supplies Available
- Hidden Treatment Costs
- Follow-Up Care / Management of Complications
1. Education and Training
2. Experience and Reputation
3. Timing and Equipment Availability
4. Hidden Treatment Costs

5. Follow Up Care / Management of Complications
Over the years, we have also seen a number of veneer or crown cases where our patient has gone overseas to do multiple tooth caps over the existing teeth to make them look nicer or whiter. This would normally cost tens of thousands in Singapore. However, many of these cases are done in a way that makes it difficult for them to maintain their gum health. As a result, the gums are often an angry red and bleeding often. Over the years, we can expect further loss of bone around the teeth, and we can expect gum recession, big gaps around teeth and shaky teeth.
In many such cases, the patient is often not prepared to take the necessary step to change all the crowns, either for financial reasons or because they are not yet able to accept that the work they paid for requires a drastic remake.
The person may have paid only a fraction of what it would have cost in Singapore, but the cost for the corrective work is going to far surpass what was originally paid, and the damage to the teeth and gums has been done.
To be objective, we are not saying that overseas dentists are necessarily bad, or that you will necessarily get work of a lower standard than what you get here. In fact, we do have foreign patients to come to us for dental work because of their circumstances.
It is true that there are excellent dentists in every country. Just be aware that it may be harder to verify credentials in a foreign country.
Even in the best of hands, rushed work can and does go awry. This may not be as critical for a piece of equipment purchased overseas as it is for your health and well-being. You can possibly get high quality work for a lower price when seeking overseas dental treatment but there are risks to be aware of.
Caveat Emptor!
- By bnfdentalsg
- May 24, 2020
- 1:26 pm